BouMatic CIP Cleaning Chemicals
BouMatic supplies all the cleaning agents needed to keep your milking parlour, milking robot, milking system, bulk tank, and cooling tank clean. These agents can be chlorine-free, chlorinated, acidic, or for foam applications: BouMatic supplies every type of product for cleaning and disinfecting your milking equipment.
The ideal combinations recommended by BouMatic belong to the generation of concentrated cleaning products especially formulated for automatic use with Guardian pipeline washers. They provide very good cleaning of milking systems throughout the year and is suitable for any type of milking systems, with any type of water hardness.

BouMatic Chlorine Free alternative chemicals that can be used with CIP & Clusters.
With a rise in farms needing to use chlorine-free cleaners, our recommended alternative to Hypochlorite is Peracetic Acid.
Oxy Brosse – a Peracetic (peroxyacetic) acid based chemical. Oxy Brosse is an active oxygen-based disinfectant for the cleaning and decontamination of milking equipment. Designed for the cleaning and sanitizing of all clusters after infected cows, this product can be used for equipment decontamination between two milking shifts and for milking robots. Due to its active oxygen, Oxy Brosse is rapidly efficient and safe. With its quick and very efficient action against bacteria, mould, yeast, viruses and spores, Oxy Brosse avoids all cross-contamination between animals. Oxy Brosse is used with a low concentration. For equipment decontamination between two milking shifts, only add 20 - 30mL per litre of water in an appropriate sprayer. For milking robots, we recommend circulating Oxy Brosse at a concentration of 0.5 - 1% in water at room temperature.
BouMaClean - BouMaClean CF is a powerful chlorine-free alkaline cleaner for milking equipment and bulk tank. This strong source of alkalinity for fat removal is designed for all conditions. BouMaClean CF is ideal in situations where dairy farmers need to use environmentally friendly products to clean their milking systems, and when regulations require dairies to eliminate the use of chlorine. BouMaClean CF is particularly adapted for use in robots and with high cleaning water temperatures. This product is used at concentrations of 0.5% or higher. Low cost per wash.
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